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Annonces CV - Emploi Rechercher une competence
Recruitment Notice € marrakech, Morocco         
To mark the opening of its local representation, large french organization (our website, recruiting senior professionals for internships with the possibility of confirmation if successful.

Organization: Globoscare.
Activity: Organization of information and social marketing.

Personal qualities required:
* Spirit of teamwork.
* Able to work in a relaxed and multicultural
* Be dynamic and skilled

For all interested candidates, ad your CV on our website under the rubrique \"CV des talent.\" We will promptly contact you and inform you on the proposals for you.
consultee 2113 fois 16-06-2011- n° 003740 --::-- continuer dans la meme categorie Repondre a l'annonce

Annonces CV - Emploi
Proposer ses services (54)
Rechercher une competence (22)

Proposer une sous-categorie

Formulaire de reponse à l'annonce :
Recruitment Notice

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Soyez prudent dans le traitement des annonces et affaires
qui sont proposees !
Titre :
Message :
montrer votre email

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